产品名称: 小鼠中脑星形胶质细胞
英文名称: MA-mb
产品编号: M1850
产品价格: 0
产品产地: 美国
品牌商标: sciencell
更新时间: 2024-12-02T09:21:57
使用范围: null
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- 邮编 : 200433
- 所在区域 : 上海
- 电话 : 181****0148 点击查看
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- 邮箱 : wwwfudan@163.com;hufangqiong@zqxzbio.com
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Astrocytes are the major cell type in the mammalian brain. They provide a variety of supportive functions for their partner neurons in the central nervous system, such as neuronal guidance during development, ion and water homeostasis, blood flow regulation, neurotransmission, energy metabolism, and immune defense [1]. Astrocytes have also been implicated in various pathological processes [2]. Impairment of normal astrocyte functions during stroke and other insults can critically influence neuron survival. Long-term recovery after brain injury, through neurite outgrowth, synaptic plasticity, or neuron regeneration, is also influenced by astrocyte surface molecule expression and trophic factor release [3]. Numerous studies have demonstrated that astrocytes are among the most functionally diverse group of cells in the CNS [4]. Cultured mouse astrocytes are a useful in vitro model for studying the molecular and cellular properties of the central nervous system.
MA-mb from ScienCell Research Laboratories are isolated from embryonic day 15 mouse midbrain. MA-mb are cryopreserved as primary cultures and delivered frozen. Each vial contains >5 x 10^5 cells in 1 ml volume. MA-mb are characterized by immunofluorescence with antibody specific to GFAP. MA-mb are negative for mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast, and fungi. MA-mb are guaranteed to further expand for 5 population doublings under the conditions provided by ScienCell Research Laboratories.
Recommended Medium
It is recommended to use Astrocyte Medium-animal (AM-a, Cat. #1831) for culturing MA-mb in vitro.
Product Use
MA-mb are for research use only. They are not approved for human or animal use, or for application in in vitro diagnostic procedures.
Upon receiving, directly and immediately transfer the cells from dry ice to liquid nitrogen and keep the cells in liquid nitrogen until they are needed for experiments.
[1] Oberheim N, Goldman S, Nedergaard M. (2012) "Heterogeneity of astrocytic form and function." Methods in Mol Biol. 814: 23-45.
[2] van der Laan LJ, De Groot CJ, Elices MJ, Dijkstra CD. (1997) "Extracellular matrix proteins expressed by human adult astrocytes in vivo and in vitro: an astrocyte surface protein containing the CS1 domain contributes to binding of lymphoblasts." J Neurosci Res. 50: 539-48.
[3] Chen Y, Swanson RA. (2003) "Astrocytes and brain injury." J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 23: 137-49. [4] Shao Y, McCarthy KD. (1994) "Plasticity of astrocytes." Glia. 11: 147-55.
Sciencell公司产品由上海中乔新舟生物科技有限公司优质供应 近几年的新药研发成功率在逐年下降,其根本原因之一就是传统的药物筛选系统是建立在只具有30-40%人类基因群的一系列细胞株上。这样一个有“缺陷型”药物筛选系统所产生的药物用于人体上就会出现许多致命的弱点和不完整性。新一代药物筛选系统是含有一系列近乎完整的人类基因群的原代细胞株。而利用这些原代细胞株所甄别和筛选出来的候选药物,其诊治人类疾病的成功几率将大大增加。这样不但大大节省了新药的开发成本,而且将极大地提高人类的健康质量。这些产品从根本上提高了全球生命医学研究、人类重要疾病药物研发、新药研发的成功率。所以上海中乔新舟生物科技有限公司致力于提供优质原代细胞产品和完善的售后服务。 美国ScienCell研究实验室(www.sciencellonline.com)成立于1999年,公司总部位于美国加州的圣地亚哥。主要致力于实验室科研用原代细胞、原代细胞专用培养基、原代细胞无血清培养基、干细胞、干细胞培养基、干细胞无血清培养基的研究和开发,在全球拥有众多客户。在国内销售15年来,很多老师应用其产品发表了高质量的SCI文章,凭借着严格的质控和优秀的产品品质,深受广大科研工作者的信赖。 ScienCell研究实验室生产的原代细胞、原代细胞专用培养基都经过了严格的质量控制,细胞纯度可达98%。其中包括21种人体正常细胞系统,90多种不同细胞类型。大多数细胞在全球唯有ScienCell实验室能够成功分离,产品质量过硬。 确保了实验结果的真实性、重复性和连贯性。 Sciencell公司部分原代细胞目录(如需要其他细胞资料请发邮件至 wwwfudan@163.com索取): 中乔新舟www.zqxzbio.com专长于为生物医药领域的医疗机构、研究中心、企业、临床医生等提供课题设计、基金联合申请、实验技术服务、论文相关服务、采购外包等整体服务,目前已经成长为国内领先的转化医学外包品牌。 中乔新舟的PI团队已经发展到专职PI 20人,联席PI 312人,其中大多数拥有海外背景。截止到2009年3月,以PI或联席PI为第一作者发表SCI 论文1682 篇(总IF 值为5721.82,其中影响因子IF>5.0 的论文216 篇,IF>10.0论文32 篇)。 电话:021-51262076 13371892488 Email:wwwfudan@163.com QQ:4000389959 739782475 网址:www.zqxzbio.com |