

作者:北京博奥森生物技术有限公司 2023-01-06T13:52 (访问量:3668)

截止目前,引用Bioss产品发表的文献共23073篇总影响因子105342.2分,发表在Nature, Science, Cell以及Immunity等顶级期刊的文献共54篇,合作单位覆盖了清华、北大、复旦、华盛顿大学、麻省理工学院、东京大学以及纽约大学等国际知名研究机构上百所。

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近期收录2022年11月引用Bioss产品发表的文献共284篇(图一,绿色柱),文章影响因子(IF) 总和高达1886.766,其中,10分以上文献43篇(图二)。



本文主要分享引用Bioss产品发表文章至Nature Nanotechnology, Immunity, Cancer Cell等期刊的6IF>15 的文献摘要让我们一起欣赏吧。



bs-0199R; Anti-GFAP pAb; IF
bs-1363R; Anti-AIF1/Iba1 pAb; IF
bs-0296G-FITC; Goat Anti-Mouse IgG H&L / FITC antibody; IF
bs-0295G-Cy3; Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG H&L / Cy3 antibody; IF


摘要:Flexible microelectronics capable of straightforward implantation, remotely controlled navigation, and stable long-term recording hold great promise in diverse medical applications, particularly in deciphering complex functions of neural circuits in the brain. Existing flexible electronics, however, are often limited in bending and buckling during implantation, and unable to access a large brain region. Here, an injectable class of electronics with stable recording, omnidirectional steering, and precise navigating capabilities based on magnetic actuation is presented. After simple transcriptional injection, the rigid coatings are biodegraded quickly and the bundles of magnetic-nanoparticles-coated microelectrodes become separated, ultra-flexible, and magnetic actuated for further minimally invasive three-dimensional interpenetration in the brain. As proof of concept, this paradigm-shifting approach is demonstrated for selective and multiplexed neural activities recording across distant regions in the deep rodent brains. Coupling with optogenetic neural stimulation, the unique capabilities of this platform in electrophysiological readouts of projection dynamics in vivo are also demonstrated. The ability of these miniaturized, remotely controllable, and biocompatible ferromagnetic flexible electronics to afford minimally invasive manipulations in the soft tissues of the mammalian brain foreshadows applications in other organ systems, with great potential for broad utility in biomedical science and engineering.




bs-0271R; Anti-HCMV pp65 pAb; IF

bsk11014; Human TNF-α ELISA KIT; ELISA

bsk11007; Human IL-6 ELISA KIT; ELISA


摘要:Lots of epidemiological and clinical studies have shown that human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is related to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Released by inflammatory cells and vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMCs), metalloproteinases are observed in many pathological vessel conditions, including atherosclerosis and restenosis. This study was designed to investigate the effect of HCMV infection on the expression of metalloproteinases and their involvements in the HCMV-induced functional changes of VSMCs. Differential metalloproteinase after HCMV infection was assayed using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) microarray.




Anti-MDH1 pAb; WB

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