RWD Life Science attended Society for Neuroscience 2012
The 42nd Society for Neuroscience 2012 was held at New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, at the riverside of Mississippi, from October 14-18.
This Conference has successfully attracted more than 26,000 neuroscience researchers and scientists worldwide. As the usual exhibitor, RWD displayed stereotaxic instruments and accessories, small animal anesthesia machine, ventilator, cannula system, and animal surgical instruments etc. RWD’s newly designed gas anesthesia scavenging system was showed out in the exhibition for the first time
With high quality products, a full range of accessories and the competitive price, our products attracted a great many researchers who showed their interest about it.
This meeting has provided a solid foundation of accelerating RWD’s international promotion, enhancing international popularity, consolidating international competitive position.
作者:深圳市瑞沃德生命科技有限公司 2013-03-11T09:07 (访问量:4685)
深圳市瑞沃德生命科技有限公司 商家主页
地 址: 深圳市南山区打石1路深圳国际创新谷7栋A座9、19、20层
联系人: 刘
电 话: 400-966-9516
传 真: 0755-86146750
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